Vision & Mission

We Love, We Care, We Serve
To be a charitable organization that:
strives to provide diversified and quality services, maximizes on available resources, devotes to continuous improvement, and drives for innovative measures.
1) Service Oriented
Providing quality services is our forefront responsibility. We take heed of the opinions and attend to the needs of our service users and their family members with the aim of providing comprehensive and quality services in a caring manner.
2) Holistic Participation
Responding to the community needs. The community is our valued partner in the identification and development of innovative improvements to meet the real or imaginative needs of the changing society.
3) Continuous Improvement
We seek out new ideas and modern technology to enhance service quality and efficiency, making best use of advanced information technology to achieve cost efficiency and effectiveness.
4) Professionalism
We vehemently uphold professionalism and professional ethics and are determined to practise what we preach.
5) Right and Respect
We affirm every service user’s dignity, value and right by familiarizing them with their personal rights, and in turn leading to their identification of their own needs and realization of self actualization, and in the end, commitment to the community.

Service Oriented
Providing quality services is our forefront responsibility. We take heed of the opinions and attend to the needs of our service users and their family members with the aim of providing comprehensive and quality services in a caring manner.

Holistic Participation
Responding to the community needs. The community is our valued partner in the identification and development of innovative improvements to meet the real or imaginative needs of the changing society.

Continuous Improvement
We seek out new ideas and modern technology to enhance service quality and efficiency, making best use of advanced information technology to achieve cost efficiency and effectiveness.

We vehemently uphold professionalism and professional ethics and are determined to practise what we preach.

Right and Respect
We affirm every service user's dignity, value and right by familiarizing them with their personal rights, and in turn leading to their identification of their own needs and realization of self actualization, and in the end, commitment to the community.