
Press Release and Event Highlights

Government, businesses, and charity organisations joint forces to complete transitional housing project in Pok Oi Kong Ha Wai Village, bringing benefits to the grassroots


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The “Pok Oi Hospital – Kong Ha Wai Village Completion and Occupation Ceremony” was held on the 23rd of this month at Kong Ha Wai Village, witnessing the joint development of the largest transitional housing project in Hong Kong by Pok Oi Hospital and Henderson Land Development Group. Residents have officially moved in. The event was attended by Ms. Ho Wing-yin, Winnie JP, Secretary for Housing, Mr. Cheng Wing-shun, MH, JP, Legislative Council Member, Mr. Tai Sheung-shing, Victor, JP, Under Secretary for Housing, Mr. Shum Ho-kit, BBS, JP, Deputy of Hong Kong to the National People’s Congress and Yuen Long District Council Member, Mr. Wu Tin-yau, Gordon, JP, District Officer (Yuen Long), Mr. Wong Ho-ming, Augustine, JP, Executive Director of Henderson Land Development Company Limited, Mdm. Lam Kwan, Chairman of Pok Oi Hospital Board of Directors, and Dr. Chan Shou-ming, the incoming Chairman. In her speech, Ms. Ho Wing-yin, JP, Secretary for Housing, stated that the SAR Government regards the issue of land and housing as a top priority and is deeply invested in the housing needs of grassroots citizens. The government will continue to take measures to assist in addressing the public’s housing needs.

Kong Ha Wai Village witnesses the achievements of government-business-civilian collaboration

Ms. Ho Wing-yin, JP, Secretary for Housing, stated in her speech that the Chief Executive’s Policy Address described the issue of land and housing as a top priority, and the government will strive to alleviate the difficulties faced by the people. In response to the housing needs of grassroots citizens, the government will continue to promote transitional housing and provide more than 20,000 transitional housing units before the 2024-25 financial year, of which about 5,400 units are already in operation. The government hopes to strengthen cooperation with the business sector and civil organisations to jointly solve the land and housing problem in Hong Kong. She described the realisation of the Kong Ha Wai Village project as a testament to the achievements of government-business-civilian collaboration.

Mr. Wong Ho-ming, JP, Executive Director of Henderson Land Development Company Limited, said in his speech that although the Kong Ha Wai project had been affected by the pandemic, it was only through the joint efforts of various parties that the project was completed in less than two years, which is a reflection of the collaboration between the government, businesses, and the people. In addition to providing land for the project, Henderson Land Development Company Limited also cares deeply about the lives of the residents in the village. Recently, they have even invited local artists to create murals in the village to add vitality to the community. They hope to build a more harmonious, vibrant, and caring Kong Ha Wai community.

Mdm. Lam Kwan, Chairman of Pok Oi Hospital Board of Directors, said in her speech that as a charitable organisation, Pok Oi has undertaken the largest transitional housing project in Hong Kong – Kong Ha Wai Village. The project provides 1,998 housing units, accommodating up to 6,000 residents. Pok Oi not only cares about the housing needs of grassroots citizens but also their physical and mental health. To build a harmonious and healthy community, Kong Ha Wai Village boasts a range of community facilities, including supermarkets, community canteens, Chinese and Western medical and dental services, as well as elderly day care, youth, children, and family services.

Dr. Chan Shou-ming, the incoming Chairman of Pok Oi Hospital Board of Directors, said in his speech that in response to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the project has adopted the environmentally friendly construction method called Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), which not only shortens the construction time but also allows for the recycling of related materials. He also thanked the support of people from all walks of life, which enabled the smooth implementation of the Kong Ha Wai Village project, benefiting the community.

The organisers also arranged for two residents to share their experience on stage. They mentioned that their living environment was quite poor in the past, but now they are able to move into transitional housing and their living conditions have greatly improved. They also feel that their relationship with their neighbours is harmonious and their social circle has expanded.

Business community sponsors generously for lucky gift bag donation drive

The event also included a presentation of certificates of appreciation to the sponsors, including CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Pricerite Group Limited, and Midea Electric (Hong Kong) Limited, for their donations to the project. In particular, in 2021, Pok Oi Hospital received a grant of HK$ 3.996 million from the CLP Community Energy Saving Fund, which equates to HK$ 2,000 for each household in Pok Oi Kong Ha Wai Village to purchase energy-efficient appliances such as air conditioners and fans with a Grade 1 energy label. Pricerite Group Limited sponsored furniture for three demonstration units and offered discounts to Kong Ha Wai residents for purchasing furniture. Midea Electric (Hong Kong) Limited donated 1,124 electric fans to Pok Oi, with a retail value of HK$ 259 per unit, and sold them at a charity price of HK$ 100 each, providing a donation of HK$ 178,716 to Pok Oi.

The organisers also presented gift bags to all attendees as a token of appreciation. Canned mushrooms were sponsored by the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society Charity Fund; canned corn and biscuits were sponsored by Mdm. Chan Yin-ping, Director of Pok Oi Hospital’s Board of Directors, Dr. Wong Man-hon, Frederick, MH, Director of Pok Oi Hospital’s Board of Directors and representing Swatow Merchants, 慈光歡喜舍, and Cheung Kee Food Hong Kong; scarves and beanies were sponsored by Eddy Lo from Group Dragon Industrial Ltd.

Ms. Ho Wing-yin, JP, Secretary for Housing, said that the government will continue to promote transitional housing projects to help ease the housing pressure on grassroots citizens.

Mr. Wong Ho-ming, JP, Executive Director of Henderson Land Development Company Limited, said that Henderson Land has always been happy to take on social responsibilities and contribute to building a harmonious community.

During her speech, Mdm. Lam Kwan, Chairman of Pok Oi Hospital’s Board of Directors, expressed that Pok Oi has always been actively supporting the policies of the SAR Government and is committed to implementing various projects that benefit the public.

Dr. Chan Shou-ming, the incoming Chairman of Pok Oi Hospital’s Board of Directors expressed gratitude towards the support from all sectors, which enabled the successful completion of the Kong Ha Wai Village project, benefiting the community.

Mr. Lo Kwok-yau, Director of Corporate Affairs at CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, received a certificate of appreciation from Chairman Lam Kwan.

Mr. Leung Siu-pong, Executive Director and CEO of Pricerite Group Limited, received the certificate of appreciation from Chairman Lam Kwan.

Assistant General Manager of Midea Electric (Hong Kong) Limited, Mr. Cary Cheng, received a certificate of appreciation from Chairman Lam Kwan.

The opening ceremony was arranged with Ms. Ho Wing-yin (6th from the right), Mr. Cheng Wing-shun (4th from the right), Mr. Tai Sheung-shing (4th from the left), Mr. Shum Ho-kit (3rd from the right), Ms. Yu Po-mei (3rd from the left), Mr. Wu Tin-yau (2nd from the right), Mr. Wong Ho-ming (5th from the right), Mdm. Lam Kwan (6th from the left), Dr. Chan Shou-ming (5th from the left), Mr. Chau Chun-tat (2nd from the left), Mdm. Candy Liu (1st from the left), and Mr. Simon Tso (1st from the right) watering the saplings together, symbolising the nurturing of kindness and synergy to promote sustainable development.